How are you Today?

How is your day going? 

Today I spent the day working on Advertising and marketing things. I’m trying to figure out this stuff but it’s annoying because I’m never really sure how to approach people.

 I’m currently trying to make some T-shirt and Hoodie Designs. Which I’m hoping to use as my business uniform, I also would like to put them up as products people can buy. I haven’t got the artistic skill but I have creative ideas.

 I need to find someone who can help me fix my Website and Get the whole SEO and such working correctly. I want to work with someone who is local to me, who I can actually meet and speak to, so this isn’t an open invite to inundate me with messages.

I’m trying to figure out how to market myself and find new clients. So considering speaking to someone who does Marketing. Someone that can help me figure out how to consistently gain new clients. 

Photography is a hard career but it’s absolutely worth it one day I’ll be showing the world what I really can do. 

What about you?